Im starting to feel a little bad becose i don't participate in the sharing of my stuff, but heck im not obligated to! Im a scientist, philosoph and a poet! But sadly there is no place on newground for those... So i just share my knowledge in reviews. I don't realy know how to draw or make a movie and even i i know i would learn crazy fast i just don't take the time to.
Poetry flows on your reviews, and you have a good use of your words. You should submit some drawings and poetry for a good reason, and is because, sadly but true, is hard to shine in this vast portal. Only one thing i can say, and is that i'll follow you for a good reason: your reviews. Have a nice day :)
I shall try and see about that... I feel like i don't give much to newground, yet thats a bit of who i am! I don't force my self to do poetry or other. It must comme instantly from the mind and feelings. Or else i guess it would lose its meaning. I dont search recognition and i dont search obligations. I just go at my own speed. I shall see what i can do to contribute more, but again i only go one step at a time!
Besides, poetry brings a new ligth! In ancient time it whas not scientist who invented, but poet, artist, musician and more! Of course science is awsome and indicates logic! The problem is there is more then one logic... Imagination can easily turn problems into strengt. Its just nice to have a angle of view from times to times.